Sunrise Nights by Jeff Zentner and Brittany Cavallaro

Jeff Zentner and Brittany Cavallaro’s co-author debut, Sunrise Nights, contains one of the most appalling lines I’ve ever read, and also, possibly, one of the most beautiful: “There is so much possibility in this world. There is nothing but.” Maybe it was the gorgeous writing, or maybe it was the fact that I know these two authors are close friends, and it felt like sitting and listening to them exchange zingers on a Friday night. But the ache I felt when I finished this book was physical.

Two artists, Jude and Florence, meet on the final night of art camp, called Sunrise Night, and share “big feelings” over everything from their family life to their art. Florence is a dancer who is losing her eyesight, and Jude is a photographer whose parents are going through a divorce. At sunrise, the two decide to recreate a scenario from the movie Before Sunrise, in which they have zero contact with each other until the following year’s Sunrise Night. The book is divided into three sections, one for each night, which also fulfills the rule of thirds, and features alternating POVs between Jude and Florence. Zentner’s and Cavallaro’s voices blend so flawlessly that you could believe it was written by one person.

Beyond the romantic element of yearning that Jude and Florence share, there is a deeper need to see and be seen by someone, to have a friend to share art with. This book is entirely about Jude, Florence, and this profound need.

Thanks to Edelweiss for my Digital Review Copy. I adored this book and hope you will, too. Join us for an author talk event with both authors on July 12th at the Art Association of Henry County. Space is limited, so registration is required.

-Krystal S.

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